Marissa Nicole

Recent Upgrades to our Skoolie: a new pet fence from FXW, outdoor lighting, & new bus organization

AUGUST MONTHLY RESET // deep cleaning the bus, new budget, grocery haul & meal plan, + more!

We Bought Curtains For Our Skoolie at IKEA?! Living in Our Unfinished Bus Conversion for 2+ Months

living in a bus: Having Friends & Family to the Campsite for the First Time!

MOVING INTO OUR BUS CONVERSION (early) Our Skoolie Isn't Finished Yet...

Oversharing About My Breakup, New Boyfriend, & My Personal Life...let's talk about it!

A Day in the Life of My 3 Month Old Australian Shepherd | 3 Month Old Pupdate | 3 month puppy update

DAILY VLOG: my new fav Aldi find, prepping the dogs slow feeders, bike rides, & small biz thoughts?

Our Last Days in Colorado! Saying Goodbye to our Camper Van Sprinkles & Exploring Denver!


DAY IN MY LIFE: A Little Rant, Heart to Heart, & First Grocery Haul in the New Apartment!

Pack With Me for GEORGIA!! Getting to Meet My Nephew for the First Time 🥺💙

The Terrible Teenage Phase of a 9 Month Old Australian Shepherd | 9 Month Pupdate | puppy blues

Little Life Update, Unpacking Some of the Apartment, & Volleyball Night!

Our 1st FAMILY HIKING TRIP to Hocking Hills with 3 Dogs ... chaos lol

Puppy School: How to Teach Your Puppy 'SIT' From Start to Finish

How To Teach Your Dog The 'Place' Command! Get Them To Go To Their Place or Their Crate on Command!

WEEKLY VLOG: grocery shopping + haul, trip to the pet store with Beyla, GNC restock & coffee trips

The Real Reason My Australian Shepherd Puppy is so CALM & How We Taught Her | 11 Month Pupdate

my last weekend at Becky before we move in... | painting the door, Kitty's area, & a BOOKSHELF!

this needs to be addressed before I can keep making videos.

EVERYTHING We've Bought Our 7 Month Old Aussie! An Updated Dog Haul since our 8 Week Puppy Haul!

LATE NIGHT COOKING WITH MARISSA & GRIFF: Trying to Make a Homemade Pizza for the First Time!

Puppy School: How to Teach Your Puppy 'TOUCH' From Start to Finish